Inoue received Young Scientists’ Prize of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the field of science and technology 2024. 令和6年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰受賞者等を決定しました:文部科学省 (
New paper on a bonding film available in Reconstructed D2W and Collective D2W for next generation chiplet integration. 「Temporary Direct Bonding by Low Temperature Deposited SiO2 for Chiplet Applications」 Temporary Direct Bonding by Low Temperature Deposited SiO2 for Chiplet Applications | ACS Applied Electronic Materials
In April, Yokohama National University established the Semiconductor and Quantum Integrated Electronics Research Center, dedicated to researching and developing “back-end” technologies that enhance semiconductor performance. The research center is composed of five laboratories and operates with a team of 18 members, including 7 professors and 11 associate professors. Professor Fumihiro Inoue serves as the Deputy […]